The Book

It was a normal day in Walla Walla 'til Lulu got a very creepy phone call. It was The Wicked Witch of West Texas, her family's "black sheep," or most unpopular member. And she was out for revenge. It had something to do with a hairball yacked up by an animal called Schrodinger's Cat in a time travel thought- experiment. It was the very bezoar that protected the witch against poison, until it was lost. Or stolen... Lulu's only protection was a Magical Witch-Repelling Ruby Bling Ring. This was all well and good until Lulu forgot to wear the ring, allowing the Wicked Witch of West Texas to make good on her promise to kidnap Lulu, her brother, Reggie, and their little dog, too. Lulu would soon find herself in a very strange place. Would she ever get back to Walla Walla? Could she trust a Jackalope? Would time travel restore her brother to health? Find out...